Let's choose true democracy against the pseudo democracy!
Let's make people the true owners of the country smashing the absolute monarchy!
Dear sisters and brothers,
The society we live in is a class society. In this kind of society, one class is always oppressed and exploited by the other class. In fact, in a semi-feudal, semi-colonial, and backward landlocked country like Bhutan, a handful of feudal class has continuously been enjoying the empire of exploitation over the 95% downtrodden people ever since the inception of the feudal Wangchuck hereditary Monarchy. On the basis of this class exploitation and oppression, the rich has always become richer and the poor has always been the subject to pauperism, illiteracy, and unemployment, upon whom the former always looked down and has never left any stone unturned to satiate their thirst of sucking the blood of the downtrodden people.
Why does this kind of situation persist in the society? The primary reason is the disunity amongst the people. The handful of feudal class can do nothing provided the people are united and fight against such exploitation and oppression in an organized way. The unity of the people generates invincible power in them. And such immense power represents the struggle against absolutism. Such a struggle, based upon the involvement of large masses, is the revolution. And the revolution is a change. Therefore, in a society, full of exploitation and oppression, revolution becomes utmost necessary to make people the true owners of the country by bringing about a radical transformation through the means of struggle. In this regard, the fake and dramatic election and the pseudo democracy will never guarantee freedom and sovereignty to the people unless there is the end of the absolute monarchy surviving on account of a series of murders in Bhutan. The one and only alternative remained before us at the present moment is to jointly declare a decisive war against the common enemy of the people for the true democracy and radical transformation of the society.
The existing antiquated ideas and thoughts would be negated by the new and scientific ideas and thoughts, like replacing the old leaves by the new ones. Similarly, when the political system becomes old and out fashioned it cannot meet the necessities and the aspirations of the people with the advancement of the civilization. Eventually, it becomes necessary to negate it by the new and scientific system. As a result, right from today onwards with this devastating action, our great and glorious party, the Communist Party of Bhutan (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist), formally announces the declaration of the "Protracted People’s War" in the soil of Bhutan against the absolute monarchy, which has been backed by the Indian expansionism and the US imperialism.
We had made an appeal to the King of Bhutan putting forward a 13 point demand last year, on 22-03-2007. Prior to this approach, there had been several attempts to settle the Bhutanese crisis through peaceful means. We had also brought out the pamphlet containing the 13 point demand during the time of the formal declaration of the party in 2003, putting pressure upon the monarchy to resolve the political and the refugee crisis of Bhutan. But the monarchy paid no heed to the hue and cry of the justice loving people of Bhutan and turned deaf ear to our genuine appeal. By virtue of this fact, we are compelled to take up arms in favor of the people of Bhutan against the tyrannical anti-people absolute monarchy putting forward the under mentioned 11 point demand:
- Establishment of sovereign democratic Bhutan by eliminating completely the institution of the absolute monarchy.
- Grant of national and regional autonomy with the right to self-determination.
- Establishment of the federal democratic state system on the basis of national and regional autonomy.
- The New and scientific educational curriculum and policies in place of the old paradoxical educational system, which only glorifies the monarchy and the feudal system.
- Guarantee free health and educational services to all citizens.
- Guarantee employment and citizenship to all citizens with out any discrimination by abolishing all the anti-people provisions such as N.O.C, Route Permit, C.O, etc.
- Incorporate special provisions in the constitution for the welfare of the minorities and the Dalits.
- Release all the political prisoners unconditionally and guarantee the job to all. Declare those who have laid down their lives during the conflict as martyrs and make public the condition of the detainees whose whereabouts are made unknown by the state till date.
- Resolve the crisis in the agricultural sector by immediately implementing the revolutionary land reform policy on the basis of “Land to the tiller”. Keep peasants on the top priority of the special privileges.
- Immediately repatriate all the Bhutanese refugees languishing in the discrete camps in the eastern Nepal to their original homestead with dignity and honor with special compensation. Reinstate all the government employees forcefully sacked from their services to their respective positions with the right compensation.
- Abolish all the unequal treaties and enter into new ones and the establishment of new democratic Bhutan.
Dear justice loving people,
Through this pamphlet we highly appeal to all youths and students, teachers and professors, women, businessmen, artisans, workers, peasants, intellectuals and exploited people to support this great people’s war initiated by CPB (MLM) under the active commandership of Comrade Vikalpa, the General Secretary of our great and glorious party, with all heart and soul. We also benignly request all of you to become part and parcel of this great cause of building new and beautiful democratic Bhutan confronting the problems and hindrances of the revolution by means of linking the theory with the practice.
Down with… Absolute Monarchy!
Long Live… C.P.B. (MLM)!
Long Live… Com. Vikalpa!
Long Live… The Great People's War!
Red Salute to… The Brave Martyrs!
Long Live… Our unity in the World Revolution!
Central Committee
C. P. B. (MLM)
"This is the first pamphlet issued by the Communist Party of Bhutan (MLM) at the time of the initiation of the great People's War in Bhutan"