Message of Condolence

Date: 21/10/2011
Message of Condolence

We express our deep sympathy and grief at the sudden and untimely demise of
Mr. Rongthong Kuenley Dorjee
one of the ringleaders of the Bhutanese Democratic Movement
to restore people’s democracy in Bhutan
on 19th October 2011.
On behalf of our organization, we extend our heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family, relatives and his organization, Druk National Congress, and wish that his departed soul may rest in real peace if the path shown by him and his aspirations will be fulfilled by the Bhutanese Democrats.

He will always be remembered by the Bhutanese people
as one of the brave, sincere and true Democratic Heroes of Bhutan.

Com. Vikalpa
General Secretary
Communist Party of Bhutan (MLM)
Central Committee